Moleria Locchi

Founded in Florence in the latter half of the 19th Century, Moleria Locchi remains one of Italy’s most notable manufacturers of crystal glassware and home goods. 

Florence’s lasting tradition of patronage combined with its wealth of natural resources provided an ideal backdrop for Moleria Locchi to thrive: water from the Arno River lubricated their grinding machines, lumber from local forests fueled their furnaces, and before long the Locchi’s developed an international reputation as masterful producers of precious crystal goods. 

While the natural resources required for production have changed with the advancement of technology, the artisanal methods that Moleria Locchi’s craftsmen employ to produce their fine goods have remained unaltered since the 1800s. Today, like 200 years ago, every piece of glass crystal that emerges from their workshop is blown, ground and engraved entirely by hand.


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Paolo Penko

Paolo Penko is a Master Goldsmith and renowned authority on the historic practices of Renaissance Florentine goldsmithing.


Roberta Giannoccaro

Roberta Giannoccaro is a Master Micromosaicist who learned the craft of making lifelike miniature mosaics from her father. Roberta is one of just a few artisans in Italy who keep this endangered craft alive today.